Welcome to our village
This is the community website for the civil parish of Brickendon Liberty, Hertfordshire. We are a thriving and active community with a number of clubs and groups.
The website provides information for residents and anyone interested in learning more about the parish.
Read more about the parish. This is where we are (opens in a new tab).

Local Nature Recovery Strategy
The Hertfordshire Nature Recovery Partnership has launched a new campaign called the Local Nature Recovery Strategy - more information.
If you would like to start your own allotment, the residents of Brickendon Liberty have been offered some spaces in Hertford Heath. If you are interested, please contact Sue O'Hare at clerk@hertfordheathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Speeding in the village
If you have any specific issues or thoughts around speeding traffic through the village, please contact tony.roberts@brickendon-liberty.org.uk
New Bridleway 30
Please refer to the Modification Order on the digital noticeboard.

The next parish council meeting will be on 27 March at 7.30pm. The agenda will be uploaded to the noticeboard about a week before the meeting.
Also see the digital noticeboard for other notices.
1st Sunday - 11am Communion
3rd Sunday - 11am Family Service
Telephone service every Wednesday 10am. Number: 0330 606 0403. Access code: 568124#
There are 5 defibrillators in the parish. View a map showing the locations of defibrillators
Help & Assistance
If you or someone you know are in need of help, check out our help page.
23 March - Litter Pick - meet at the village hall car park.
See the events page for further details