Welcome to the Parish of Brickendon Liberty

Freedom of Information / Transparency

Parish Council agenda

The agenda for the next meeting will be posted on the home page a week before the meeting.

Parish Council minutes

Please note that minutes of the last meeting are draft until confirmed by the council at its next meeting.




Annual parish meeting

An Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is held annually in May. This is a meeting of the electorate of the parish; it is not a meeting of the council, although it is chaired by the chairman of the parish council. Minutes of the last meeting are draft until confirmed at the next APM.


Draft minutes of the 2024 APM


Draft minutes of the 2023 APM


Draft minutes of the 2022 APM


Draft minutes of the APM 2021


Draft minutes of the APM 2019


Draft minutes of the APM 2018

Other transparency documents

Under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities 2014, the parish council is required to publish:

  • all items of expenditure above £100
  • end of year accounts
  • annual governance statement
  • internal audit report
  • list of councillor or member responsibilities
  • the details of public land and building assets
  • minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings.